Leagues & Associations
Our Ibis Men's Golf Association (IMGA) hosts events on various Wednesdays and Saturdays each month during the season. With a variety of formats, this association creates a competitive environment with exciting events. The IMGA will also help our Members create new friendships within our club family.
Our Ibis Ladies' Golf Association (ILGA) 18-holers play on select Thursdays throughout the season with various formats. This association begins with an 8:30 a.m. shotgun start and concludes each event with a wonderful lunch and awards. The ILGA focuses on competition and camaraderie. All ILGA members are required to have a USGA-established handicap to be eligible for prizes.
In order to create growth in the game, Ibis has created this wonderful Ibis Ladies' Golf Association (ILGA) 9-hole group to introduce our ladies to the game of golf. Events are hosted on select Mondays and Thursdays throughout the season. This relaxed group of ladies creates a welcoming environment for all participants with focus on having fun and meeting new friends. All ladies are required to have a USGA-established, 9-hole handicap to compete within the association.
We have several couples’ tournaments throughout the season for our Ibis Membership. The Couples’ Association hosts events on Sundays throughout the season and creates fun formats that allow our Members to enjoy a day of golf with friends as well as create an informal competitive event. In order to participate in all of our Ibis Couples’ events, all participants must have an established USGA handicap.
If you are just getting introduced to the game of golf, the Get Ready for Prime Time (GRFPT) group is looking forward to having you join their association. This association plays nine holes on select Monday afternoons during the season. Our professional staff covers all the basic fundamentals of the game with the group in a non-competitive environment. We also help educate these new golfers on the basic rules of the game and proper etiquette that will allow our new golfers to enjoy the game of golf for a lifetime.
During the summer months, Ibis members are invited to participate in several leagues in the South Florida area. The Men’s & Ladies' North Shore Leagues consist of golfers in all age categories playing in a head-to-head match play contest against other local clubs. Several clubs participate in these weekly matches.
Our numerous golf leagues and activities will keep you active all year round!